Dear Honor,

I miss you because we laugh like little girls together.
I miss you because you know how hard I cried that one night.
I miss you because you're still there long after you've left.
I miss you because you'd understand all that's going on right now.
I miss you because I love you.
I miss you because you're my pdiddy:)
I miss you because you eat lots of cookies with me.
I miss you because you call me stupid in an endearing way.
I miss getting up early to get coffee before school, just to have a little time with each other.
I miss the thrill of driving with you.
I miss all the stupid stuff we'd do.
I miss looking at each other to make sure we're thinking the same thing.
I miss you because no matter how long we go without seeing each other, it never feels any different.
I miss you because around you I remember things about myself I otherwise forget.
I miss hearing you call your dad faja.
I miss you because you have a pure heart.
I miss your teddy bear hugs.
I miss you so much.
Please come home.
I wish I could just keep writing about you until you're here.
I plan on giving you the biggest freaking hug.
I love you. I love you. I love you.